Why Jofit - Eleni

Why Jofit - Eleni

Why Jofit? Once you try it on, you’ll understand the Jofit difference. Our Signature Collection is designed to get the everyday woman through her every day. The combination of looking great and being comfortable is a true recipe to instilling confidence. Jofit is all about providing assurance that you won’t need to worry about your outfit, because we know your time and energy is better allocated towards deciding what to have for lunch, whether you want a gin and tonic or glass of merlot, which class at the gym to sign up for and which filter to use for your Instagram post starring your handsome dog.

We brought real women into our studio to discuss why they choose Jofit. Our first speaker is Eleni, a middle school language arts teacher from Philadelphia who is always on the move. Check back for more testimonials from real women with real bodies as we continue to provide real solutions. 


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